English Language Learners

Limestone Learning Foundation
English language learners (ELLs) are students in provincially funded English language schools whose first language is a language other than English, or is a variety of English1 that is significantly different from the variety used for instruction in Ontario’s schools, and who may require focused educational supports to assist them in attaining proficiency in English.

These students may be Canadian born or recently arrived from other countries. They come from diverse backgrounds and school experiences, and have a wide variety of strengths and needs. (ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ESL AND ELD PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12).


English language support is available to all ELLs in the Board, either through direct itinerant support with a qualified ESL teacher, or indirect support from the ESL teacher via the classroom teacher. Itinerant ESL teachers use a variety of support models based on student need and ranging from: individual one-on-one support, small group support and/or in-class support through a shared model all year long, or in strategic weekly blocks of time.

An initial assessment is completed by the ESL teacher using the Ministry STEP assessment tool and results are shared with the classroom teacher for planning and assessment purposes. ELLs are integrated into the regular classroom, exposed to the English language daily, but also with encouragement to share their first Language. These students learn the English language at the same time as they are learning and achieving Ontario curriculum expectations. The approach maximizes exposure to survival English skills and to the pre-teaching and teaching of subject specific language and vocabulary.

Families should contact the school principal when registering, and the connection will be made to the ESL teachers.


English language learners complete a language assessment with a member of the ESL Team upon registering for secondary school.  When a student does not require ESL classes they are integrated into their local secondary school as determined by their address.  The ESL team provides support to these students as needed or requested by the classroom teacher.

If a student requires ESL programming they will be bussed to one of three secondary schools in Limestone offering ESL classes.  Students in ESL programming will have customized timetables that include ESL classes, sheltered curriculum classes and/or regular classes as appropriate for their language level.  Sheltered classes can include: civics and career studies, science, business computers, geography and history. Credits in physical education, visual art or music (performance and/ or vocal), communication technology or other computer courses, and technical studies are also recommended in the first year or two, to provide the student an opportunity to enhance their language skills before attempting more language intensive core subjects such as mainstream math, sciences, and social sciences.

ESL courses are available at:

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.